Look at our home learning
It seems that you are all working really hard at home already!!!! Well done Cavendish! Keep going! Here are some snaps taken - please keep sharing!
Look at this fantastic poem from Ethan - you have clearly been working really hard!!!!
The work is coming in thick and fast now! Well done to Haydn, Jensen, Mia and Charlie. You are working incredibly hard. Mia even made it in the Derbyshire Times!! We are: DETERMINED!!
Exercise, home learning, baking and science experiments. My goodness!!! You are all truly CAVENDISH!!!!
Excellent determination from Kayleigh and Keisha. Keep going!
We can't have everyone at home outdoing us! Here are some snaps from school today - that art work is fabulous!
A beautiful information text from Lola here. You have put a lot of time and effort into this! Well done!
Fantastic art work! This is very creative, and you are thinking so carefully about your community around you!
Go Ryan and Callum! That work looks incredibly neat-just what we expect from our Cavendish pupils. You can have a house point!