Cavendish Junior School

Cavendish Junior School

Believe, Achieve, Succeed

CollaboratorsAspirationalVisionariesEnthusiasticNurturingDeterminedIndependant SafeHealthy
c a v e n d i s h


Safety is at the heart of everything that we do at Cavendish Junior School and should therefore be placed within our Cavendish Code. 

Please click on this link to see how to teach Safety to our pupils and how this links to everything that we do.


First Aid

We also make sure that our pupils have up to date First Aid training.  This is on a rolling programme and makes sure that our pupils are ready for their job role of 'Paramedic' if they choose to apply.  

Please click on this link for our rolling programme and what we teach our pupils when.


Please see also, under our 'For Parents' section further information on Safeguarding.